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Valproic acid 

Inducer Abbreviation: VPA
Model Subtype: Chemical
Model Species:Mus musculus
External Link:        
Statistics Box:
No of Reports: 18
No of Models: 36

Model Summary

Prenatal exposure to valproic acid is linked to ASD in humans. In mice, prenatal VPA exposure results in core endophenotypes associated with ASD: deficits in social behaviors, increased repetitive behaviors and abnormal communication behavior.

Human Clinical Evidence Koch S , et al. 1996

Evidence for malformations and cerebral dysfunction after exposure to drug during pregnancy


Exposure to drug in utero after consumption by pregnant mother

Mode of Action



VPA is used as an anticonvulsant for certain types of seizures; Treat mania in patients with bipolar; Prevent migraine headaches


Author, Year
Prenatal exposure of rats to valproic acid reproduces the cerebellar anomalies associated with autism.
Astaxanthin improves behavioral disorder and oxidative stress in prenatal valproic acid-induced mice model of autism.
Mechanisms Underlying Microbial-Mediated Changes in Social Behavior in Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Nonexploratory movement and behavioral alterations in a thalidomide or valproic acid-induced autism model rat.
Modeling environmental risk factors of autism in mice induces IBD-related gut microbial dysbiosis and hyperserotonemia.
A new neurobehavioral model of autism in mice: pre- and postnatal exposure to sodium valproate.
Beneficial Effects of Co-Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide/Luteolin in a Mouse Model of Autism and in a Case Report of Autism.
Autism-like behaviours with transient histone hyperacetylation in mice treated prenatally with valproic acid.
mS-11, a mimetic of the mSin3-binding helix in NRSF, ameliorates social interaction deficits in a prenatal valproic acid-induced autism mouse model.
Prenatal exposure to valproic acid leads to reduced expression of synaptic adhesion molecule neuroligin 3 in mice.
Abnormal Development of the Earliest Cortical Circuits in a Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Increased monoamine concentration in the brain and blood of fetal thalidomide- and valproic acid-exposed rat: putative animal models for autism.
Improvement by methylphenidate and atomoxetine of social interaction deficits and recognition memory impairment in a mouse model of valproic acid-i...
The Liver X Receptor Agonist TO901317 Ameliorates Behavioral Deficits in Two Mouse Models of Autism.
mGluR5-antagonist mediated reversal of elevated stereotyped, repetitive behaviors in the VPA model of autism.
Oxytocin improves animal behaviors and ameliorates oxidative stress and inflammation in autistic mice.
VPA-induced apoptosis and behavioral deficits in neonatal mice.
The transgenerational inheritance of autism-like phenotypes in mice exposed to valproic acid during pregnancy.


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E12 to E17.
Administration Dose: 200 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: E12-E17
Strain of Origin: BALB/c
Model Source: Taconic


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E11 in 1.5 g peanut butter.
Administration Dose: 800 mg/kg
Administration Route: Dietary
Administration Age: E11
Strain of Origin: HS (interbred C57, DBA, Swiss and CF-1)
Model Source:


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E13.
Administration Dose: 600 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: E13
Strain of Origin: BALB/c
Model Source: Taconic


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on P14 to male mice.
Administration Dose: 200 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: P14
Strain of Origin: BALB/c
Model Source: Taconic


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on P14 to male mice.
Administration Dose: 400 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: P14
Strain of Origin: BALB/c
Model Source: Taconic


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on P14 to male mice.
Administration Dose: 50 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: P14
Strain of Origin: BALB/c
Model Source: Taconic


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on P14.
Administration Dose: 400 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: P14
Strain of Origin: BALB/c
Model Source:


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E13.
Administration Dose: 600 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: E13
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6Hsd
Model Source: Harlan


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E9.
Administration Dose: 500 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E9
Strain of Origin: ICR
Model Source: Japan SLC Inc.


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E14.5.
Administration Dose: 500 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E14.5
Strain of Origin: ICR
Model Source: Japan SLC Inc.


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E12.5.
Administration Dose: 500 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E12.5
Strain of Origin: ICR
Model Source: Japan SLC Inc.


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E12.5.
Administration Dose: 600 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E12.5
Strain of Origin: Swiss Albino
Model Source:


Construct Definition: C57/BL6 male mice were injected subcutaneously with saline or sodium valproate (VPA, 400 mg/kg) on postnatal day 14 (P14).
Administration Dose: 400 mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: P14
Strain of Origin: C57/BL6
Model Source: PMID 27701827


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA. In a transgenerational study the offspring exposed directly to VPA during fetal development are G1.
Administration Dose: 300mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: E10
Strain of Origin: ICR
Model Source: Orient Bio Inc.


Construct Definition: Second generation (G2) of mice bred by mating the first generation (designated G1) male offspring directly exposed to VPA during embryonic development and nave adult females. These mice are used to study the transgenerational effects (epigenetic, behavioral) of exposure to VPA (without re-exposure to the chemical).
Administration Dose: 300mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: Transgenerational
Strain of Origin: ICR
Model Source: Orient Bio Inc.


Construct Definition: Third generation (G3) of mice bred by mating the second generation (designated G2) male offspring to nave adult females. These mice are used to study the transgenerational effects (epigenetic, behavioral) of exposure to VPA (without re-exposure to the chemical).
Administration Dose: 300mg/kg
Administration Route: Subcutaneous (s.c.)
Administration Age: Transgenerational
Strain of Origin: ICR
Model Source: Orient Bio Inc.


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E12.
Administration Dose: 500 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E12
Strain of Origin: CD1
Model Source: Charles River


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E12.
Administration Dose: 360 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E12
Strain of Origin: CD1
Model Source: Charles River


Construct Definition: At embryonic day 12.5 pregnant dams were intraperitoneally injected with valproic acid (VPA) (500 mg/kg; Sigma-Aldrich, USA), or equivalent amount of saline.
Administration Dose: 500 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E12.5
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6
Model Source: Japan SLC, Inc.


Construct Definition: Male offsprings of C57Bl/6J females injected with VPA (600mg/kg; ip) at E12.5.
Administration Dose: 600 mg/kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: E12.5
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6J
Model Source: Huafukang Bioscience (Beijing, China)


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on E12.5.
Administration Dose: 500 mg/kg
Administration Route: intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age:
Strain of Origin: ICR (CD1)
Model Source: Japan SLC Inc. (Hamamatsu, Japan)


Construct Definition: Administration of VPA on P14 in C57Bl/6 male pups at 400mg/kg. Vehicle injected C57Bl6 mice were used as controls; similar to M_VPA_5_IN_C.
Administration Dose: 400 mg/Kg
Administration Route: Intraperitoneal (i.p.)
Administration Age: P14
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6
Model Source: Third Military Medical University (Nanjing, China)


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Negative geotaxis 1
Description:  Abnormal deficits in negative geotaxis demonstrated by longer latency
Exp Paradigm:  Negative geotropism measured by hanging wire test
  Wire hang test
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Gene expression 1
Description:  Decreased expression of NLGN3 mRNA in hippocampal regions and somatosensory cortex S1
Exp Paradigm:  Nlgn3 Gene Expression
  In situ hybridization (ish)
  8.5 weeks
Gene expression1
 No change
 In situ hybridization (ish)
 8.5 weeks
Gene expression1
 No change
 In situ hybridization (ish)
 8.5 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Motor phenotype ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  General locomotor activity 1
Description:  Increased locomotor activity counts
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  Righting response 1
Description:  Decreased mid-air righting reponse
Exp Paradigm:  Female mice: Measure of time taken by animal to correct itself while holding mouse in mid air
  Righting reflex test
  Size/growth 1
Description:  Increased body weight
Exp Paradigm:  General observations
  General observations
  Spatial reference memory 1
Description:  Decreased spatial reference memory indicated by impaired water maze performance
Exp Paradigm:  Morris Water Maze Task
  Morris water maze test
Grip strength1
 No change
 Wire hang test
Motor coordination and balance1
 No change
 Balance beam test
Negative geotaxis1
 No change
 Wire hang test
Righting response1
 No change
 Righting reflex test
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Righting response 1
Description:  Decreased mid-air righting reponse
Exp Paradigm:  Measure of time taken by animal to correct itself while holding mouse in mid air
  Righting reflex test
  General locomotor activity 1
Description:  Increased locomotor activity counts
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  3 weeks
Spatial reference memory1
 No change
 Morris water maze test
Grip strength1
 No change
 Wire hang test
Motor coordination and balance1
 No change
 Balance beam test
 3 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Righting response 1
Description:  Decreased mid-air righting reponse
Exp Paradigm:  Measure of time taken by animal to correct itself while holding mouse in mid air
  Righting reflex test
  Negative geotaxis 1
Description:  Abnormal deficits in negative geotaxis demonstrated by longer latency
Exp Paradigm:  Negative geotropism measured by hanging wire test
  Wire hang test
  General locomotor activity 1
Description:  Increased locomotor activity counts
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  3 weeks
  Size/growth 1
Description:  Decreased body weight
Exp Paradigm:  General observations
  General observations
  Spatial reference memory 1
Description:  Decreased spatial reference memory indicated by longer passive avoidance latency
Exp Paradigm:  Passive Avoidance test
  Passive avoidance test
  3 weeks
  Spatial reference memory 1
Description:  Decreased spatial reference memory indicated by impaired water maze performance
Exp Paradigm:  Morris Water Maze Task
  Morris water maze test
Grip strength1
 No change
 Wire hang test
Motor coordination and balance1
 No change
 Balance beam test
 3 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Grip strength1
 No change
 Wire hang test
 3 weeks
Negative geotaxis1
 No change
 Wire hang test
Righting response1
 No change
 Righting reflex test
 3 weeks
Self injurious behavior1
 No change
 General observations
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  General locomotor activity 1
Description:  Increased horizontal movements over 30 min test period in a non-social environment
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  4-6 weeks
  General locomotor activity 1
Description:  Decreased horizontal movements over 30 min test period in a social environment
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  4-6 weeks
  Social interaction 1
Description:  Decreased ano-genital sniffs indicative of social behavior deficits
Exp Paradigm:  Observation for social and play behavior in open field environment
  Open field test
  4-6 weeks
  Juvenile play 1
Description:  Decreased crawl-under/over playful behavior
Exp Paradigm:  Observation for social and play behavior in open field environment
  Open field test
  4-6 weeks
  Allogrooming 1
Description:  Decreased allogrooming behavior
Exp Paradigm:  Observation for social and play behavior in open field environment
  Open field test
  Apoptosis 1
Description:  Increased levels of apoptosis detected in EGL of cerebellum and dentate gyrus of hippocampus
Exp Paradigm:  TUNEL staining of cerebellum and hippocampus
  Tunel assay
Object recognition memory1
 No change
 Open field test
 4-6 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Self grooming: perseveration 1
Description:  Increased self grooming behavior
Exp Paradigm:  Self-Grooming Assay
  Grooming behavior assessments
  6-7 weeks
  Repetitive digging 1
Description:  Increased stereotyped, perseverative behavior indicated by more marbles burying
Exp Paradigm:  Marble Burying Assay
  Marble-burying test
  9-10 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Increased anxiety behavior indicated by fewer center entries
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  8-9 weeks
General locomotor activity1
 No change
 Open field test
 8-9 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Skeletal development 1
Description:  Malformed pups were born at a rate of 30 to 40% which were not used for further characterization
Exp Paradigm:  General observations
  General observations
  0-3 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Motor phenotype ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Skeletal development1
 No change
 General observations
 0-3 weeks
 No change
 Open field test
 8 weeks
 No change
 Elevated plus maze test
 8 weeks
General locomotor activity: ambulatory activity1
 No change
 Open field test
 8 weeks
 No change
 Resident-intruder test
 8 weeks
Rearing behavior1
 No change
 Open field test
 8 weeks
Social interaction1
 No change
 Resident-intruder test
 8 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  General locomotor activity: ambulatory activity 1
Description:  Decreased distance traveled
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  4, 8 weeks
  Neuronal number 1
Description:  Decreased number of Nissl-positive cells in layers II/III and V of the frontal cortex and layer IV/V of the somatosensory cortex
Exp Paradigm:  Histology:Nissl staining
  8 weeks
  Social interaction 1
Description:  Reduced time sniffing conspecific, male
Exp Paradigm:  Resident-intruder test
  Resident-intruder test
  4, 8 weeks
  Social interaction 1
Description:  Increased time sniffing conspecific, female
Exp Paradigm:  Resident-intruder test
  Resident-intruder test
  8 weeks
  Rearing behavior 1
Description:  Decreased number of rearings
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  4, 8 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Reduced time spent in open arms, ratio of open arm entries, increased time in closed arms
Exp Paradigm:  Elevated plus maze test
  Elevated plus maze test
  8 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Reduced number of entries into center of open field
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  4, 8 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Number of open arm entries
Exp Paradigm:  Elevated plus maze test
  Elevated plus maze test
  4, 8 weeks
  Spatial reference memory 1
Description:  Decreased time spent in target quadrant
Exp Paradigm:  Morris water maze test
  Morris water maze test
  8 weeks
  Spatial learning 1
Description:  Overall effect of VPA treatment on escape latency
Exp Paradigm:  Morris water maze test
  Morris water maze test
  8 weeks
Skeletal development1
 No change
 General observations
 0-3 weeks
Cognitive flexibility1
 No change
 Morris water maze test
 8 weeks
General locomotor activity1
 No change
 Morris water maze test
 8 weeks
Cortical thickness1
 No change
 8 weeks
Allogrooming: perseveration1
 No change
 Resident-intruder test
 4, 8 weeks
 No change
 Resident-intruder test
 4, 8 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Immune response ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  General locomotor activity 1
Description:  Increased global activity
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  8 weeks
  General locomotor activity: ambulatory activity 1
Description:  Increased distance traveled and speed
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  8 weeks
  Pain or nociception 1
Description:  Increased latency to withdraw paw
Exp Paradigm:  Hot plate test
  Hot plate test
  8 weeks
  Social memory 1
Description:  Decreased time spend in chamber with novel mouse, decreased time spent sniffing novel mouse
Exp Paradigm:  Three-chamber social approach test: social novelty
  Three-chamber social approach test
  8 weeks
  Social approach 1
Description:  Decreased time spent in social chamber, increased time spent in empty chamber, decreased time spent sniffing stimulus mouse
Exp Paradigm:  Three-chamber social approach test: sociability
  Three-chamber social approach test
  8 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Increased time spent in center of open field
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  8 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Increased immobility in center of open field
Exp Paradigm:  Open field test
  Open field test
  8 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Dendritic architecture: spine density 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show a reduction in the number of dendritic spines in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus compared to controls.
  Golgi-cox staining
  4.5 months
  Cell proliferation: neural precursors 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show decrease in the number of BrdU positive cells in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus compared to controls. VPA exposure reduced DCX-positive cells in the dentate gyrus of the mouse hippocampus compared to controls.
  4.5 months
  Apoptosis: brain cells 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show an increased in the pro-apoptotic marker Bax and a reduction in the anti-apoptotic marker Bcl2 compared to controls, in the hippocampus and cerebellum.
  1 month
  Social approach 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show decreased presence in the chamber an unfamiliar mouse, compared to controls. VPA treated mice spend more time in the central chamber compared to vehicle treated controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  2 weeks, 3 months
  Anxiety 1
Description:  VPA treated mice spent less time in the open arms of the elevated plus maze compared to controls.
  Elevated plus maze test
  2 weeks, 3 months
  Cns inflammation 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show increase in inflammation markers iNOS and GFAP in the hippocampus and cerebellum compared to controls. VPA treated mice show increase in the inflammation marker NFkb p65 in cerebral tissue compared to controls.
Exp Paradigm:  Western Blot for Bax, Bcl-2, Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS), IkappaBa, Nuclear Factor-jB (NF-kB), and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) was performed.
  Western blot
  1 month
  Cns inflammation 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show decreased levels of IkappaB-a levels in brain tissue compared to controls.
  Western blot
  1 month
  Inflammatory response 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show increase in chymase and tryptase in hippocampal and cerebellar tissue compared to controls indicating VPA induced inflammatory response is generated via the regulation of mast cell-derived serine peptidases,
Exp Paradigm:  Immunohistochemical Localization of Chymase, Tryptase, Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-a), and Interleukin-1beta (IL-1b) was perfomed.
  1 month
  Cytokine levels: pro-inflammatory 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show increase in proinflammatory cytokines TNFa and IL1beta in the brain, compared to controls.
  Western blot
  1 month
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Motor phenotype ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Hyperactivity 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring have increased hyperactivity displayed by total distance traveled in the open field
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Open field test
  4 weeks
  Neuroreceptor levels: glutamate receptors: ampa receptors 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring show increased expression of the AMPA receptors GluR1 and GluR2 in the cortex
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Neuronal differentiation and specification in the brain 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring show reduced expression of GAD65/67 (inhibitory neuronal marker) and increased expression of PSD-95 (a post-synaptic density marker), whereas Pax6 expression was significantly decreased in the cortex, indicating impaired neuronal differentiation induced by VPA
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Neuroreceptor levels: glutamate receptors: nmda receptors 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring show increased expression of the NMDA receptors GluN1 and GluN2B in the cortex
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Repetitive digging 1
Description:  VPA exposure in utero causes G1 (F1) offspring show increased repetitive behavior and buried more marbles compared to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Marble-burying test
  4 weeks
  Seizure threshold 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring have lower seizure threshold compared to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Observation of electrically induced seizures
  5 weeks
  Social memory 1
Description:  VPA exposure in utero causes G1 (F1) offspring to manifest decreased social memory or social novelty as G1 mice do not show preference to a cage containing a stranger mouse over a familiar mouse, unlike controls
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Three-chamber social approach test
  4 weeks
  Social approach 1
Description:  VPA exposure in utero causes G1 (F1) offspring to manifest impaired sociability or social approach as G1 mice do not show preference to a cage containing a stranger mouse over an empty cage, unlike controls
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Three-chamber social approach test
  4 weeks
  Skeletal development: appendages (limbs, digits, tail) 1
Description:  VPA exposure in utero causes G1 (F1) offspring to develop skeletal abnormalities in the tail: crooked tail that is caused by neural tube defects
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  General observations
  P7-4 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring show reduced anxiety as they spend more time in the center of the open field and in the open arms of the elevated plus maze compared to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Males only-Open field test
  Open field test
  4 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  VPA exposed G1 (F1) offspring show reduced anxiety as they spend more time in the center of the open field and in the open arms of the elevated plus maze compared to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Males only- Elevated plus maze test
  Elevated plus maze test
  4 weeks
  Protein phosphorylation 1
Description:  VPA exposure increased phosphorylated forms of GSK3 beta, a regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway, which has been previously related to the manifestation of VPA-induced ASD phenotypes like the tail malformations
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
 No change
 Body weight measurement
 P7-4 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Hyperactivity 1
Description:  Second generation (G2) mice also display increased hyperactivity in the open field test
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Open field test
  4 weeks
  Neuronal differentiation and specification in the brain 1
Description:  Second generation (G2) mice also show reduced expression of GAD65/67 (inhibitory neuronal marker), increased expression of PSD-95 (a post-synaptic density marker) and increased Pax6 expression in the cortex, compared to controls indicating persistent impaired neuronal differentiation
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Seizure threshold 1
Description:  Second generation (G2) mice also have lower seizure threshold compared to controls, making it a transgenerational phenotype
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Observation of electrically induced seizures
  5 weeks
  Social memory 1
Description:  Second generation (G2) mice manifest decreased social memory or social novelty and do not show preference to a cage containing a stranger mouse over a familiar mouse, unlike controls, making this a transgenerational phenotype
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Three-chamber social approach test
  4 weeks
  Social approach 1
Description:  Second generation (G2) mice have imparied sociability and show reduced preference to a stranger mouse over an empty cage, compared to controls, making this a transgenerational phenotype
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Three-chamber social approach test
  4 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Reduced or lack anxiety persists transgenerationally in second generation (G2) mice observed in the open field test and elevated plus maze
Exp Paradigm:  Males only-Open field test
  Open field test
  4 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Reduced or lack anxiety persists transgenerationally in second generation (G2) mice observed in the open field test and elevated plus maze
Exp Paradigm:  Males only- Elevated plus maze test
  Elevated plus maze test
  4 weeks
 No change
 Body weight measurement
 P7-4 weeks
Skeletal development: appendages (limbs, digits, tail)1
 No change
 General observations
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Hyperactivity 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice also display increased hyperactivity in the open field test
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Open field test
  4 weeks
  Neuroreceptor levels: glutamate receptors: nmda receptors 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice show increased expression of the NMDA receptors GluN1 and GluN2B in the cortex
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Neuroreceptor levels: glutamate receptors: ampa receptors 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice also show persistent increased expression of the AMPA receptors GluR1 and GluR2 in the cortex
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Neuronal differentiation and specification in the brain 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice also show reduced expression of GAD65/67 (inhibitory neuronal marker), increased expression of PSD-95 (a post-synaptic density marker) and increased Pax6 expression in the cortex, compared to controls indicating persistent impaired neuronal differentiation
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
  4 weeks
  Repetitive digging 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice also bury more marbles compared controls showing increased repetitive behavior
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Marble-burying test
  4 weeks
  Seizure threshold 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice also have lower seizure threshold compared to controls, making it a transgenerational phenotype over two generations
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Observation of electrically induced seizures
  5 weeks
  Social approach 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice have impaired sociability and show reduced preference to a stranger mouse over an empty cage, compared to controls, making this a transgenerational phenotype
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Three-chamber social approach test
  4 weeks
  Social memory 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice manifest decreased social memory or social novelty and do not show preference to a cage containing a stranger mouse over a familiar mouse, unlike controls, making this a transgenerational phenotype
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Three-chamber social approach test
  4 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Reduced or lack anxiety persists transgenerationally in third generation (G3) mice observed in the open field test and elevated plus maze
Exp Paradigm:  Males only-Open field test
  Open field test
  4 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  Reduced or lack anxiety persists transgenerationally in third generation (G3) mice observed in the open field test and elevated plus maze
Exp Paradigm:  Males only- Elevated plus maze test
  Elevated plus maze test
  4 weeks
  Protein phosphorylation 1
Description:  Third generation (G3) mice have elevated levels of phosphorylated GSK3beta compared to controls making this a transgenerational phenotype
Exp Paradigm:  Males only
  Western blot
 No change
 Body weight measurement
 P7-4 weeks
Skeletal development: appendages (limbs, digits, tail)1
 No change
 General observations
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Neuronal number: interneurons 1
Description:  Increased interneuron density in L4 in VPA-treated mice, but not in any other layer
Exp Paradigm:  Immunohistochemistry: Gad67
  Synaptic transmission 1
Description:  A shift toward greater relative inhibition at positions near, or slightly caudal to the soma of subplate neurons of VPA-treated mice when comparing to PBS controls
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Synaptic transmission: inhibitory 1
Description:  Increased inhibitory connectivity from L5/6, L4, L2/3, and SP neurons to subplate (SP) neurons in VPA-treated mice
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: excitatory 1
Description:  Increased mEPSC amplitude in VPA-treated subplate neurons relative to untreated controls
Exp Paradigm:  Whole-cell patch clamp: A1 subplate neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Synaptic transmission: excitatory 1
Description:  Increased excitatory connectivity from L5/6 and L4 neurons to subplate (SP) neurons in VPA-treated mice
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Action potential properties: amplitude, rate of depolarization and repolarization 1
Description:  Increased amplitude of subplate neuron IPSCs induced by activating L5/6 neurons in VPA-treated mice
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Synaptic transmission 1
Description:  A shift toward greater relative inhibition at the positions near the soma of the subplate neurons of VPA-treated mice when comparing to PBS controls
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Action potential properties: amplitude, rate of depolarization and repolarization 1
Description:  Decreased amplitude of subplate neuron EPSCs induced by activating L2/3 neurons in VPA-treated mice
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
  Sensorimotor gating 1
Description:  Decreaed sensorimotor gating in VPA-treated mice relative to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Acoustic startle reflex test
  Acoustic startle reflex test
  Ultrasonic vocalization: isolation induced 1
Description:  Decreased number of calls of the isolation-induced ultrasonic vocalization per 5 minutes in VPA-treated mice relative to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Spectographic analysis of vocalization recordings: numbers of ultrasonic vocalization per 5 minutes
  Spectographic analysis of vocalization recordings
  Ultrasonic vocalization: isolation induced 1
Description:  Abnormal frequency histogram of the isolation-induced ultrasonic vocalization in VPA-treated mice relative to controls
Exp Paradigm:  Spectographic analysis of vocalization recordings: frequency histograms of ultrasonic vocalization
  Spectographic analysis of vocalization recordings
Ultrasonic vocalization: isolation induced1
 No change
 Spectographic analysis of vocalization recordings
Neuronal number1
 No change
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: excitatory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Neuroreceptor activity1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Synaptic transmission1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Motor phenotype ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Action potential properties: amplitude, rate of depolarization and repolarization 1
Description:  No change in the amplitude of subplate (SP) neuron EPSCs induced by activating L2/3, L4, L5/6, or SP neurons in VPA-treated mice
Exp Paradigm:  Laser scanning photostimulation; Whole-cell patch clamp: primary auditory cortex A1 neurons in acute thalamocortical slices
  Whole-cell patch clamp
Action potential properties: amplitude, rate of depolarization and repolarization1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Synaptic transmission: excitatory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Synaptic transmission: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Motor phenotype ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,   Social behavior ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Social approach 1
Description:  VPA treated mice showed less preference for a mouse than an inanimate object compared to controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  6 weeks
  Social approach 2
Description:  VPA exposed mice show decrease in time spent interacting with a conspecific over an empty cup compared with controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  7-10 weeks
  Social memory 1
Description:  VPA treated mice showed less preference for an unfamiliar mouse than a familiar mouse compared to controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  6 weeks
  Intestinal microbiota composition: overall microbiota composition 2
Description:  VPA exposed mice show alterations in gut bacterial composition compared with controls.
  16s rrna gene sequence analysis for identification of bacteria
  7-10 weeks
  Bioactive compound levels: serotonin 1
Description:  VPA treated mice show increased levels of serotonin in the serum compared to controls.
Exp Paradigm:  Serum levels of serotonin were measured in blood drawn from the mandibular vein.
  6 weeks
  Intestinal microbiota composition: species diversity 1
Description:  VPA treated mice showed an overall composition of gut microbes of ASD mice comaparable to that in control mice at the phylum level. VPA treated mice show a slight increase in Firmicutes and a slight decrease in Bacteroidetes compared to controls. VPA treated mice show decreased diversity of microbial species (alpha diversity) in the feces compared to controls. VPA treated mice show changes in specific microbial taxa compared to control mice, that recapitualte change in ASD patients (Increased: Lachnospiraceae, Parabateroides, Rikenellaceae, Dorea, Bilophila, Enterococcus, Megasphaera, Peptostreptococcacea, Desulfovibrio, Sporanaerobacter; Decreased: Coriobactericaceae, Distasonis, Erysipelotrichaceae, Oscillospira, Prevotella).
Exp Paradigm:  Maternal and offspring feces were used for DNA extraction. Two alpha-diversity indexes (PD index and Shannon index) were computed. Relative abundance analysis of gut microbiota of mice at various taxonomic levels ranging from phylum to species was performed.
  16s rrna gene sequence analysis for identification of bacteria
  3 weeks
  Intestinal microbiota composition: species diversity 2
Description:  VPA exposed mice show alterations in gut microbiota species diversity compared with controls.
  16s rrna gene sequence analysis for identification of bacteria
  7-10 weeks
  Anxiety 1
Description:  VPA treated mice spent less time in the center of the open field.
Exp Paradigm:  Time spent in the center of the open field was measured.
  Open field test
  6 weeks
General locomotor activity: ambulatory activity1
 No change
 Open field test
 6 weeks
Intestinal microbiota composition: overall microbiota composition1
 No change
 16s rrna gene sequence analysis for identification of bacteria
 3, 4, 5 weeks
Intestinal microbiota composition: species diversity2
 No change
 Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr)
 7-10 weeks
Social memory2
 No change
 Three-chamber social approach test
 7-10 weeks
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Motor phenotype ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  General locomotor activity: ambulatory activity 1
Description:  VPA exposed male mice travelled longer distances compared with controls.
  Open field test
  Oxidative stress in neurons 1
Description:  VPA exposed mice show increased levels of MDA and ROS, decreased activity of SOD and GSH-Px, and decreased content of GSH, compared with controls, in the hippocampus and amygdala.
  Enzyme assay
  Repetitive digging 1
Description:  VPA exposed male mice buried more marbles compared with controls.
  Marble-burying test
  Social approach 1
Description:  VPA exposed male mice exhibit lower social index compared with controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  Social memory 1
Description:  VPA exposed mice showed decrease in social preference of a novel mouse over a familiar mouse compared with controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  Depression 1
Description:  VPA exposed male mice remained immobile for longer times compared with controls.
  Tail suspension test
  Microgliosis 1
Description:  VPA exposed male mice show increase in levels of activated microglia compared with controls, in the hippocampus and amygdala.
  Immunofluorescence staining
  Cns inflammation 1
Description:  VPA exposed male mice show increased levels of IL-1beta, IL-6 and TNFalpha compared with controls.
  Cytokine level detection
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Molecular profile ,   Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture ,   Physiological parameters ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Dendritic architecture: spine density 1
Description:  Prenatal exposure to VPA shows decreased spine density in the somatosensory cortex compared with controls.
  Golgi-cox staining
  Social interaction 1
Description:  Prenatal exposure to VPA shows decreased sniffing and allogrooming of the intruder compared to controls.
  Resident-intruder test
  10 weeks
  Gene expression 1
Description:  Prenatal exposure to VPA shows increased transcript levels of Rest compared with controls in the somatosensory cortex.
  Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr)
Gene expression1
 No change
 Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr)
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle ,   Communications ,   Developmental profile ,   Emotion ,   Immune response ,   Learning & memory ,   Maternal behavior ,   Motor phenotype ,   Neurophysiology ,   Physiological parameters ,   Repetitive behavior ,   Seizure ,   Sensory ,  


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
  Cell proliferation: neural precursors 1
Description:  VPA exposed mice show decrease in BrdU incorporated cells in the hippocampus compared with controls, particularly in the subgranular zone. VPA exposed mice show decrease in DCX positive immature neurons in the hippocampus compared with controls, particularly in the subgranular zone.
Exp Paradigm:  hippocampus; dentate gyrus; adult male mice were injected BrdU intraperitoneally every 12 hours for 3 times
  Self grooming: perseveration 1
Description:  VPA exposed mice show increased self-grooming compared with controls.
  Grooming behavior assessments
  8 weeks
  Social approach 1
Description:  VPA exposed mice show greater preference for the novel object than for the novel mouse compared with controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  8 weeks
  Social memory 1
Description:  VPA exposed mice show greater preference for the familiar mouse than for the novel mouse compared with controls.
  Three-chamber social approach test
  8 weeks
Gene expression1
 No change
 Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr)
Rearing behavior1
 No change
 Novel cage test
 8 weeks
 Not Reported:
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